Listar FIFA - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 132-151 de 157
The emotional impact of videogames and poetry.
(2023)When we are moved by a story, what affected us so? My doctoral project explores this question to better understand how stories convey emotion and move its audience. Inspired by the renewed scholarly interest in emotions ... -
The Enemy Within’: Liminality, Otherness and Neo-Victorian Gypsies
(2016-01-13)Gypsies, or Romanies, are a collective against whom, for centuries, white Europeans have posited a series of racial prejudices and stereotypes. Qualified alternatively as criminals, child kidnappers, or tricksters, gypsies ... -
The London Lock Charities in the middle to late Victorian Period: poor reform beyond venereal disease
(2015-05-11)The London Lock Hospital was founded in the middle of the seventeenth century to cure venereal disease both in men and women, following the trend of specialized hospitals that proliferated in the period. A few decades ... -
The Málaga Corpus of Late Modern English Scientific Prose
(2023-05-11)The Málaga Corpus of Early English Scientific Prose is a collection of English vernacular medical writing, consisting of three diachronically divided components, i.e. The Málaga Corpus of Late Middle English Scientific ... -
The morpho-syntax of OE verbs: The role of T(ense) and the role of v (=stem)
(2023-01)The paper is about the processing or computation of verbs in OE (and also verbs in the first half of the ME period). It is argued that T is the head that interprets the tau-features that expone as -d- for Past forms of ... -
The Morphology-Orthography Interface: A Needful Study
(2022)The affix -ful in words like needful and hopeful originates in the Germanic adjective full, meaning “filled to capacity” (OED, s.v. full, adj.), and has cognates in most languages of its family, both as a free-standing ... -
The origin and development of the conative alternation in english
(2016-11-17)The conative alternation (“conative” from Latin conor/conari, “to try or attempt”) is a particular type of verb alternation (or argument structure alternation) which modifies the interpretation of the verb towards suggesting ... -
The Posthuman Subject in Joma West’s Face (2022): Embodiment, Embeddedness and Affect.
(2022)Joma West’s latest novel, Face (2022) is set in a near future where digital faces and digitally engineered babies determine characters’ social status and power in an “ontology of visibility” (Citton 2014). Recalling ... -
The Return of the Edwardians in Contemporary Fiction
(2016-10-26)My research stems from the hypothesis that a subgenre exists within the contemporary historical novel in English with a series of features that can be labelled as neoEdwardian and belong in a broader social and cultural ... -
The role of self-concept and expectations in academic achievement: A preliminary study
(2015-09-23)As early career students face new challenges at university, the relationship between L2 skills and academic success depends upon self-perception to a greater extent than previously assumed. Up to the moment, most levelling ... -
The Standardization of Punctuation in Early Modern English Legal Proclamations
(2017-05-29)Punctuation is historically noted to develop from the rhetorical to the grammatical, from the speaker to the reader, the Renaissance standing out as the transitional period with the adoption of syntactic and pragmatic ... -
The Supernatural as a Feminist Tool in Elizabeth Stuart Phelps's Writings.
(2024)Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1844-1911) is a writer who became extremely famous in the past, was later relegated to a very secondary and “non-canonical” position. She has traditionally been considered as a writer of sentimental ... -
The vernacularization of non-native items in early english medical writing
(2017-04-26)Early Modern English is characterised by an extraordinary lexical growth motivated by two main linguistic processes, borrowing and word-formation (Nevalainen 1999: 332). Within affixation, prefixation grew more than ... -
Tools for organisation and time management in your research.
(2023)At first glance, time management is an easy task, yet on many occasions we all fail to manage time effectively and make the most of it. As PhD candidates ourselves, we have tried -and failed- to control the amount of time ... -
Towards an annotation schema of financial discourse based on functional discourse analysis
(2023-05-12)The aim of this presentation is to explore the structure of economic opinion news texts and its implications for sentiment analysis. The Lingmotif sentiment analysis tool has achieved great results in detecting polarity ... -
Tracing the Edwardian Artist in Contemporary Fiction
(2015-11-18)This paper deals with different representations of artists from the beginning of the 20th century in recent fiction written in English. -
Transcultural (dis-)orientations: Spain and England in Miguel y William (Inés París, 2007)
(2019-11-21)The film Miguel y William (Inés París, 2007) depicts a fictitious encounter between Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare in 1590 and fantasizes about the possibility of both writers competing for the love of the ... -
Travelblogs and Evidentiality
(2016-01-29)Travelblogs are one of the most profitable discursive subgenres on Web 2.0. Multimodal texts of this cybergenre created by expert travellers have kept the functions, topics, and some of the discursive and linguistic ... -
Trois concepts boétiens dans la réflexion féminine, du XIVe au XVIIIe siècle
(2016-07-15)Boecio introdujo cambios notables en la consideración de algunas nociones filosóficas y teológicas, en particular en las de «persona», «esencia» y «eternidad». Estudio la evolución de estas tres ideas, representadas en ... -
Uncanny secrets in _Burnt Island_
(2018-11-23)My aim here is the analysis of the uncanny element in Alice Thompson’s Burnt Island (2013). This modern gothic novel (which uses conventions of different genres) relies heavily on the unbalanced personality of frustrated ...