Listar FC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 11-30 de 50
La educación financiera como instrumento para reducir el impacto en las sociedades de desastres naturales y efectos del cambio climático.
(2023)El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en explorar estrategias de preparación y recuperación de desastres basadas en actuaciones de educación financiera, a través de un proceso de revisión de la limitada literatura existente ... -
La educación financiera en etapas preuniversitarias: un análisis exploratorio de la incidencia de la edad y el género
(2021-09)En este trabajo se analiza el efecto de la edad y el género sobre la educación financiera del alumnado preuniversitario. Para ello, se realizó una acción formativa en 175 centros educativos de Andalucía, en los que se ... -
El efecto de la alfabetización financiera sobre el endeudamiento de la empresa familiar: el papel moderador de la etapa generacional
(IBIMA Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-0-9998551-5-7, Published in the USA), 2021)La literatura previa es equívoca respecto al nivel de endeudamiento de la empresa familiar, a pesar de que el análisis de la estructura de capital ha generado gran interés en el campo de las finanzas. Los motivos que ... -
Empresa familiar y responsabilidad social corporativa: una investigación cualitativa
(2018-06-20)La preocupación por los negocios de las familias es un hecho histórico y lógico (Zachary, 2011) porque en la mayoría de países dominan gran parte del tejido económico (Morck y Yeung, 2004), siguen siendo percibidos como ... -
Evaluation of European Deposit Insurance Scheme Funding Based on Risk Analysis
(2021-01-22)Contribución presentada en 34th EBES Conference. We carry out a quantitative analysis of the financing measures proposed for the European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) regarding the target level of the fund and the ... -
Evaluation of european deposit insurance scheme funding based on risk analysis
(2022)Contribución presentada en European Congress of Actuaries 2022. We carry out a quantitative analysis of the financing measures proposed for the European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) regarding the target level of the ... -
Evaluation of European Deposit Insurance Scheme Funding Based on Risk Analysis
(2021)Contribución presentada en IFABS 2021 Virtual Conference. We carry out a quantitative analysis of the financing measures proposed for the European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) regarding the target level of the fund ... -
Exploring the relationship between financial literacy and family business rish behaviour: empirical evidence considering the moderating role of the generational stage
(2022)Abstract: Family business is considered the backbone of most countries' economies. One aspect that arouses interest in the scientific community is family business risk behaviour due to its involvement in business strategy ... -
Exploring the relationship between financial literacy and risk-taking propensity in Spanish undergraduates
(2022-07-22)Financial literacy has aroused significant academic, professional, and institutional interest due to the increasingly complex financial environment in which individual decisions involve greater risk than in the past. ... -
Exploring the relationship between financial literacy, risk-taking propensity and entrepreneurship in Spanish undergraduates
(2022)This article uses covariance-based structural equation models in a sample of 568 Spanish undergraduates to provide evidence on the impact of financial literacy (measured through its three dimensions, that is, financial ... -
Felicidad en el trabajo, comportmientos empresariales y percepción de los trabajadores: un estudio de caso
(2016-11-02)El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar aquellos comportamientos empresariales capaces de promover una mayor satisfacción de los trabajadores en el desempeño de la actividad profesional, y la consecuente traslación a ... -
Financial knowledge of pre-university students: age and gender
(2022)Financial education is essential to improve the well-being of society at large by avoiding, to a large extent, erroneous financial decisions. It is, therefore, necessary to inculcate adequate financial literacy from an ... -
Financial literacy and environmental sustainability in SMEs.
(2023)Studying factors contributing to the success of sustainable actions in SMEs is a hot topic in the academic world. As far as we know, an adequate level of financial literacy of CEOs can contribute to the company’s environmental ... -
Financial literacy and risk-taking propensity as predictors of undergraduates' entrepreneurial intention
(2022)Entrepreneurial intention, as one of the best entrepreneurship predictors, is related to the individual's choice to start a new business. Entrepreneurship education is, without a doubt, the topic that arouses the greatest ... -
Financial literacy in SMES: a bibliometric analysis of an emerging topic
(International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), 2021-06)The purpose of this study is to review the existing literature on financial literacy (FL) in SMEs in general, and particularly in family SMEs, and describe the current state of publications in this area through the use of ... -
Financial literacy, risk-taking propensity and process innovation in Spanish SMES.
(2024)Objectives: This research aims to understand the influence of the CEO’s financial literacy on SME’s process innovation. For this purpose, it explores the role of risk-taking propensity as a psychological association ... -
Financing decisions in family firms
(2022)El acceso a la financiación es uno de los principales retos que deben afrontar las empresas familiares (European Commision, 2015), ya que la disponibilidad de recursos financieros es fundamental para la supervivencia y ... -
Green finance in Banking sector: analysis of green bonds in European banks
(2023)Green finance offers economic and environmental benefits worldwide. Green finance increases access to environmentally friendly goods and services for individuals and businesses, balancing the transition to a low-carbon ... -
Identificando impulsores de comportamiento sostenible de estudiantes universitarios de finanzas con redes neuronales artificiales.
(2023)Estudios recientes han tratado de explorar hasta qué punto la sostenibilidad está incorporada en la educación superior, y cómo las personas educadas en conocimiento ambiental se convierten en el futuro en profesionales con ... -
Integration and Efficiency convergence in European Life Insurance markets
(2016-09-28)This study examines the impact of integration on the efficiency of European Union (EU) life insurance markets for the post deregulation period 1998-2007. To assess the effects of deregulation, we first estimate cost and ...