Listar FC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 37-50 de 50
Nuevos Instrumentos para la Gestión de los Riesgos de Longevidad/Mortalidad
(2013-07-10)El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar cómo diversos instrumentos financieros que proporcionan flujos de caja que se encuentran vinculados a un índice relacionado con la mortalidad de una determinada población, pueden ... -
Predicción de opiniones de auditoría calificadas por empresa en funcionamiento en empresas del sector turístico
(2019-01-16)El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar un modelo de predicción de opinión de auditoria calificadas por empresa en funcionamiento para empresas del sector turístico. Para ello se utilizan métodos computacionales de ... -
Reintegration of disabled workers to labor market. A stochastic analysis based on the continuous sample of working lives
(2022)The public social security system provides a wide range of benefits. The different contingencies for which it provides coverage provide security for those exposed. However, in order to determine the objectivity of the ... -
Revisiting the relationship between family management and firm performance in SMEs: the mediating effects of the use of management control systems and the achievement of technological innovation
(2018-11-26)We study the influence of family management on firm performance in SMEs, analysing the mediating role of management control systems and the achievement of technological innovation in the former relationship. We used data ... -
The roles of the independent actuary in the assessment of damages caused to persons by traffic accidents according to the Spanish legal framework
(2019-08-01)The roles of the independent actuary in the assessment of damages caused to persons by traffic accidents according to the Spanish legal framework -
Sistemas integrados em uma universidade brasileira: informaçao cooperada como recurso estratégico
(2014-07-03)Esta comunicación discute los obstáculos que se presentan de la interconexión de los sistemas de información que dan soporte a la dirección en la Universidad Pública Federal de Brasil -
Sustainable finance in the European banking sector: special reference to green bonds.
(2023)Sustainable finance plays a significant part in transforming the global financial system. The devastating implications of climate change have highlighted the demand for a more sustainable economy, with major investments ... -
Technological Innovation Inputs, Outputs and Performance: the moderating role of Family Involvement in Management
(2015-07-08)The objective of this article is to study the relationship between R&D intensity and continuous technological innovation and between technological innovation outcomes and sustained firm performance. We also analyse the ... -
The Conversion Rate of R&D into Technological Innovation in Family-Managed Firms Under Vulnerability
(2017-07-07)This paper primarily questions whether under vulnerability, decision-makers will be able to turn R&D into technological innovation more efficiently in order to increase the likelihood of firm survival (Palmer & Wiseman, ... -
The impact of financial literacy on the undergraduates' risk-taking propensity
(2022-06)La educación financiera (financial literacy en inglés) ha generado un especial interés en las últimas décadas entre las diferentes organizaciones internacionales, entes públicos, investigadores y la ciudadanía en general, ... -
The mediation of the environmental strategies in hotel financial performance in the context of Creating Shared Value
(Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2022)The tourism sector stakeholders in general, and the hotel companies stakeholders in particular, keep demanding more and more intensity the implementation and development of environmental policies that ensure sustainable ... -
The Professional University Degree Of Actuary Through Bloom's Taxonomy
(2022)The aim of this paper is to determine the characteristics of the MScAFS in terms of how the Syllabus of the AAE sets out the subjects, organised into sub-areas, and the degree of development of the competences required to ... -
Tourism stock prices, systemic risk and tourism growth: a kalman filter with prior update DSGE-VAR model
(2022)Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) and Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models allow for probabilistic estimations to formulate macroeconomic policies and monitor them. One of the objectives of creating these ... -
¿Trabajo significativo o no significativo? El caso del egresado universitario español
(2022)La school-to-work transition ha adquirido un especial interés en la investigación como consecuencia de la alta segmentación laboral que se ha venido produciendo a nivel europeo en las últimas décadas, máxime en el sur de ...