FAI - Contribuciones a congresos científicos
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Strategies to obtain efficient symmetrical electrodes for solid oxide cells.
(2023)There is an increase interest on finding alternative energy technologies that can cope with the current energy demand while mitigating the climate change. Among those technologies, Solid Oxide Cells (SOCs) are promising ... -
Ni-Doped PrBaFe2O5+δ As Symmetrical Electrode for Solid Oxide Cells.
(2023)The development of new redox stable electrode materials for Solid Oxide Cells (SOFs) have attracted great attention in recent years, since finding suitable compositions to operate efficiently in both fuel cell and electrolyzer ... -
ZnMn2O4 as a material for supercapacitors and its stability against the electrolyte
(2023)The electrolyte is an essential part of a supercapacitor, conditioning its performance. Thus, the specific capacitance measured for the supercapacitor electrode in the typical three-electrode arrangement of an electrochemical ... -
La0.8Sr0.2MnO3-d-based nanocomposite functional layers for improved cathode efficiency in SOFCs
(2022)Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) are efficient electrochemical devices that are able to convert chemical energy in the form of fuels into electricity, but at low operating temperatures they are mainly limited by the high ... -
Nanostructured composites as active layer to boost cathode performance in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
(2022-04)Since the efficiency of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) is largely limited by the high polarization resistance of the cathode, several strategies have been proposed to enhance the electrochemical activity of such electrodes. ... -
Vertically Aligned Nanostructures for SOFC applications
(2022)One of the most recent strategies to enhance the electrode performance is preparing composite materials leading to an increase of the triple-phase-boundary (TPB) length. On this way, heteroepitaxial nanocomposite ... -
Aplicaciones de los modelos meteorológicos de predicción numérica en el campo de la energía solar
(2019-09-20)En su primera parte, la charla introducirá los principios físicos básicos que hacen posible la predicción meteorológica a partir de modelos numéricos. A continuación, se centrará en la utilidad de estos modelos en aplicaciones ... -
Assessment of natural radiactivity from building materials in Spain
(2017-06-12)The industrial construction sector is very important in Spain. Building materials used in this industry are sources of radiation from natural radionuclides they contain. The aim of this work is to measure the natural ... -
Physical and chemical characterization of building materials
(2017-06-12)The products used in the construction of buildings and infrastructures, are made from raw material extracted directly from nature, and after suitable transformation processes are placed on site. Approximately 2.5 tons ... -
Deposition patterns of atmospheric 7Be, 210Pb, 40K in cost of west Mediterranean sea, Málaga (Spain)
(2016-11-14)The deposition of radionuclides on the ground is an essential process to understand atmospheric transportation, sedimentation and geological process, being the major removal pathway for airborne particulates. To predict ... -
Nature of the spin-glass phase in dense packings of Ising dipoles with random anisotropy axes
(2016-09-02)By Monte Carlo simulations, we study the character of the spinglass (SG) phase in dense disordered packings of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs). We focus on NPs which have large uniaxial anisotropies and can be well represented ... -
N coordination chemistry in diluted InGaAs nitride layers
(2015-10-14)GaAsN and InGaAsN semiconductor alloys with a small amount of nitrogen, so called dilute nitrides, constitute a novel compounds family with applications in telecom lasers and very efficient multijunction solar cells. The ... -
Low-temperature spin-glass behaviour in a diluted dipolar Ising system
(2015-07-27)Using Monte Carlo simulations, we study the character of the spin-glass (SG) state of a site-diluted dipolar Ising model. At high dilution, well deep in the SG phase, we find spiky distributions that are strongly ... -
Cortometrajes para el laboratorio docente LABFIS
(2015-07-21)Alumnos de la asignatura Física de muchos primeros cursos de los nuevos Grados en que imparte docencia nuestro departamento provienen del Bachillerato de Ciencias de la Salud, con una buena base en Química y Biología, ... -
Long - term atmospheric depositional fluxes of radionuclides at Málaga (Coastal Mediterranean Station)
(2015-06-16)7Be and 210Pb are radionuclides which have been measured routinely in many places in order to study the description of environmental processes such as aerosol transit and residence times in the troposphere, aerosol ... -
Natural radiactivity from building materials in Spain
(2015-06-15)The industrial construction sector is very important in Spain. Building materials used in this industry are sources of radiation from natural radionuclides they contain. The European Commission published some recommendations ... -
Indoor radon measurements in Ny-Ålesund, the northernmost civilian settlement in the world
(2015-06-02)Ny-Ålesund is situated at 78° 55´ N, 11° 56´ E on the west coast of Spitsbergen, the largest island in the Svalbard archipelago and is a centre for international Arctic scientific research and environmental monitoring. ... -
Peliculas de jabón
(2014-10-24)Las pompas y películas de jabón han sido durante siglos motivo de entretenimiento de niños y adultos. Un importante resultado experimental dice que si un alambre formando una curva cualquiera se hunde en una solución ... -
Influence of meteorological parameters on gamma radionuclides and major-ions of bulk deposition in Málaga (South of Spain)
(2014-06-10)Gamma radionuclides and major-ion concentrations in bulk deposition samples were monthly measured in bulk deposition over a seven year period (January 2005- December 2013). Bulk deposition was dominated by Ca2+,Cl-, SO42- ... -
Behaviour of PM10 and some metals in atmospheric aerosols in the southeastern Spain (Malaga)
(2014-06-10)INTRODUCTION. Studies in aerosol particles provide a means for evaluating the integrated effects of transport and meteorology on the atmospheric loadings of substances with different sources in little industrialised ...