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Listar IC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por autor "Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 60
A broadband polarization splitter directional coupler based on tilted subwavelengh grating metamaterials
Luque-González, José Manuel; Herrero-Bermello, Alaine; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Sánchez-Rodriguez, Marina; Velasco, Aitor V.; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Halir, Robert[et al.] (2020-12-03)Tilted subwavelength gratings (SWG) allows anisotropy tailorable metamaterials with applications in polarization management. Based on this concept, here we experimentally demonstrate a broadband directional-couplerbased ... -
A general approach for robust integrated polarization rotators
Alonso-Ramos, C.; Halir, Robert; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Cheben, Pavel; Vivien, Laurent; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Marris-Morini, Delphine; Janz, Siegfried; Xu, Dan-Xia; Schmid, Jens H.[et al.] (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013)Integrated polarization rotators suffer from very high sensitivity to fabrication errors. A polarization rotator scheme that substantially increases fabrication tolerances is proposed. In the proposed scheme, two tunable ... -
Advances in photonic metamaterials and sensing architectures
Halir, Robert; Torres-Cubillo, Antonia; Barona-Ruiz, Miguel; Sánchez-Ramírez, Ana; Luque-González, José Manuel; Moreno-Pozas, Laureano; Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ginel-Moreno, Pablo; Fernández-Hinestrosa, Alejandro; Leuermann, Jonas; De-Oliva-Rubio, José; Schmid, Jens H.; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (2024)Subwavelength materials have become a fundamental tool for silicon photonic design, enabling devices with unique performance characteristics. We will briefly review some fundamentals here and will then discuss some of the ... -
Automatic design of high-performance fiber-chip surface grating couplers based on Floquet-Bloch mode analysis
Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; Xu, Dan-Xia; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Halir, Robert; Cheben, Pavel; Pereira-Martín, Daniel[et al.] (2018-04-30)We propose a new strategy to automatically design highly efficient fiber-chip surface grating couplers. High performance designs are achieved with a substantially reduced computational cost by combining Floquet-Bloch mode ... -
Biosensor fotónico integrado con capacidad de discriminación por capas.
Sánchez-Ramírez, Ana; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; De-Oliva-Rubio, José; Luque-González, José Manuel; Godoy-Rubio, Rafael; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Halir, Robert; Leuermann, Jonas; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (XXXVIII Simposio Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, 2023)Photonic integrated biosensors have emerged as a highly attractive alternative for biomarker detection in applications ranging from clinical diagnosis to food quality monitoring. Detecting specific target and differentiating ... -
Bricked and evanescently-coupled topologies: expanding the portfolio of subwavelength metamaterial silicon photonic devices
Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ginel-Moreno, Pablo; Luque-González, José Manuel; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; De-Oliva-Rubio, José; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Halir, Robert; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (SPIE, 2023-02)We present two novel topologies of subwavelength grating (SWG) waveguides: the bricked-SWG and the evanescently-coupled-SWG. The bricked topology enables accurate control of waveguide anisotropy while maintaining the index ... -
Bricked subwavelength structures: a flexible metamaterial topology
Luque-González, José Manuel; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Halir, Robert; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Cheben, Pavel; Schmid, Jens H.[et al.] (2021)Subwavelength gratings (SWG) are periodic structures that synthesize lithography tailorable metamaterials with desired permittivity, dispersion, and anisotropy, enabling the design of a myriad of high-performance devices. ... -
Building high-performance integrated optical devices using subwavelength grating metamaterials
Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; Ginel-Moreno, Pablo; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Halir, Robert; Pereira-Martín, Daniel; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Schmid, Jens H.; Wang, Shurui; Vachon, Martin; Xu, Dan-Xia; Ye, Winnie N.; Soler-Penades, Jordi; Nedeljkovic, Milos; Mashanovich, Goran Z.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (2021-09)The use of subwavelength grating structures in silicon waveguides have fuelled the development of integrated optical components with superior performance. By a judicious lithographic pattern of the grating, the optical ... -
Butler Matrix Based Six-port Passive Junction
Moscoso Mártir, Álvaro; Ávila Ruiz, Juan Manuel; Durán Valdeiglesias, Elena; Moreno-Pozas, Laureano; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; De-Oliva-Rubio, José[et al.] (2014-02-03)In this work we propose the utilization of the Butler matrix as a six-port I/Q demodulator. The inherent symmetry of its topology allows to overcome the intrinsic amplitude and phase imbalances of the traditional approaches ... -
Comparing the fundamental limit of detection for interferometric and resonant biosensors with coherent phase read-out
Leuermann, Jonas; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Halir, Robert (2019-06-27)We compare the limit of detection of coherently interrograted photonic biosensors, using both interferometric and resonant architectures. -
Curved waveguide grating demultiplexer (CWG) with a flattened response via bimodal output waveguides
Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Halir, Robert; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (2022-05-08)We demonstrate a compact wavelength demultiplexer for the silicon-on-insulator platform based on the curved waveguide grating (CWG) architecture. The proposed device uses bi- modal output waveguides to achieve a low-loss ... -
Customized spectral filters using cladding-modulated Bragg gratings in silicon waveguides.
Pereira-Martín, Daniel; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Luque-González, José Manuel; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Cheben, Pavel; Schmid, Jens H.; Shurui, Wang; Ye, Winnie N.; Ctyroky, Jiri; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo[et al.] (European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM) 2021., 2021-09-13)Waveguide Bragg gratings are expected to play an important role in diverse applications of photonic integrated circuits. Here, we present our latest progress in implementing Bragg filters with a customized spectral response ... -
Demostración experimental de un acoplador de interferencia multimodal insensible a la polarización basado en un metamaterial sublongitud de onda
Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Luque-González, José Manuel; Halir, Robert; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo[et al.] (2023)En este trabajo se demuestra experimentalmente un acoplador 3 dB 90o basado en un dispositivo de interferencia multimodal 2×2 independiente a la polarización. El dispositivo se ha desarrollado en una plataforma de silicio ... -
Design of arbitrary optical filters in silicon-on-insulator using evanescently-coupled Bragg gratings
Pereira-Martín, Daniel; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Luque-González, José Manuel; Cheben, Pavel; Schmid, Jens H.; Ye, Winnie N.; Ctyroky, Jiri; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo[et al.] (2019-07-10)Spectral filters are experiencing an increasing demand in several applications of the silicon- on-insulator (SOI) platform. Many works have demonstrated that arbitrary frequency responses can be synthesized by apodizing ... -
Design of optical metamaterial waveguide structures
Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro (2017-06-01)Subwavelength gratings (SWGs) are periodic structures with a pitch (Λ) smaller than the wavelength of the propagating wave (λ), so that diffraction effects are suppressed. These structures thus behave as artificial ... -
Design of subwavelength grating metamaterial waveguides for communications and sensing applications
Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Luque-González, José Manuel; Pereira-Martín, Daniel; Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Leuermann, Jonas; De-Oliva-Rubio, José; Halir, Robert; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Ctyroky, Jiri; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel[et al.] (2019-07-04)In this work we will cover some of our recent advances in the design of state-of-the-art silicon photonic devices based on all-dielectric subwavelength grating (SWG) metamaterials. Specifically, we will focus on the design ... -
Designing anisotropy with waveguide subwavelength structures
Herrero-Bermello, Alaine; Velasco, Aitor V.; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Halir, Robert; Luque-González, José Manuel; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (2018-07-12)Silicon sub-wavelength structures have become a versatile design tool for practical, high-performance integrated optical devices, ranging from highly efficient grating couplers to ultra-broadband beam-splitters. Recently, ... -
Designing polarization management devices by tilting subwavelength grating structures
Luque-González, José Manuel; Herrero-Bermello, Alaine; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Velasco, Aitor V.; Cheben, Pavel; Schmid, Jens H.; Wang, Shurui; Halir, Robert[et al.] (2019-05-03)Subwavelength gratings (SWG) are periodic structures which behave as controllable homogeneous metamaterials. SWGs are extremely interesting when they are used in platforms with a limited choice of material refractive indices, ... -
Diffractive sidewall grating coupler: towards 2D free-space optics on chip.
Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Cheben, Pavel; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Halir, Robert; Schmid, Jens H.; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (2019-05-02)Silicon photonics has been the subject of intense research efforts. In order to implement complex integrated silicon photonic devices and systems, a wide range of robust building blocks is needed. Waveguide couplers are ... -
Diseño de antena óptica integrada de haz estrecho en tecnología silicon-on-insulator
Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Pereira-Martín, Daniel; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Ye, Winnie N.; Melati, Daniele; Xu, Dan-Xia; Janz, Siegfried; Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Halir, Robert; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Ginel-Moreno, Pablo[et al.] (2021-07)Las antenas ópticas acopladas en fase son un elemento clave en sistemas de Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) integrados, en los que se necesita emitir un haz óptico con ancho angular estrecho en un amplio número de ...