MA - Contribuciones a congresos científicos: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 99
Teaching Multiple Integrals With Python Step by Step.
(2024)Multiple integration is a very important topic in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education and Applications. In [1] we introduced SMIS (Step-wise Multiple Integration Solver) using the CAS (Computer ... -
SPDES: A Step-wise Partial Differential Equations Solver for STEM Education.
(2024)STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) students normally fi nd difficulties when studying Partial Differential Equations (PDE). To help both, the students and teachers, the use of CAS (Computer Algebra ... -
A discrete-time retrial queueing system with changes in the service times and retrial times.
(2024)This paper investigates a discrete-time retrial queueing system wherein arriving customers can choose between adopting a Last-Come-First-Served (LCFS) discipline or joining the orbit. The potential variability in service ... -
Echo State Networks. Teoremas inútiles y reglas incorrectas.
(2024)Las Redes de Estado de Eco (Echo State Networks, ESN) son un modelo de aprendizaje basado en conexiones recurrentes, especialmente adaptado al tratamiento de series temporales. Diversas publicaciones han mostrado su capacidad ... -
Challenges in Reservoir Computing.
(2024)In this expository talk, we will review the Echo State Network (ESN), a recurrent neural network that has achieved good results in time series tasks, such as forecasting, classification, and encoding-decoding. However, the ... -
On Augmented Lagrangeans in Linear Programming (LP) Phase I
(2023-07-24)The concept of linking constraints to an objective in optimization problems was found due to Lagrange in the 19th century. The so-called Lagrange multipliers were related to duality theory in the 20th century. At the same ... -
Evaluación neuropsicológica en daño cerebral adquirido: propuesta de aprendizaje basado en proyectos para estudiantes del máster en psicología general sanitaria.
(2023)Se relata la experiencia docente del proyecto “Neuropsicoartes (Npsicoartes): mejorando la calidad de vida e integración social de las personas con daño cerebral adquirido”, financiado por la Universidad de Málaga en el ... -
Closure Structures as fixed points of some Galois connections.
(2023)The starting point of this work is a published paper where the fuzzy powerset of a fuzzy lattice A, the set of isotone mappings on A and the set of isotone total relations on A were proved to be related by three fuzzy ... -
¿Cómo podemos ayudar al alumnado de bachillerato con sus matemáticas en el inicio de sus estudios de ingeniería?
(2023)El objetivo principal de esta comunicación es describir la experiencia que, desde el año 2017, venimos desarrollando un grupo de Personal Docente e Investigador (PDI) de la Universidad de Málaga con el alumnado de nuevo ... -
Celebrative Talk. Enrique's Homemade Algebraic Geometry.
(2023)During the talk, Enrique Arrondo's life and mathematical research were highlighted, intertwining his career with a touch of history and significant photos that captured important moments in Enrique's life. Enrique's ... -
Rooted functor categories
(2022)En esta comunicación extendemos el Teorema de Green a categorías de funtores aditivos sobre una categoría pequeña, introducimos la noción de "rooted small preadditive category" y caracterizamos los funtores proyectivos e ... -
Curso 0 Online de Aspectos Básicos de Matemáticas para alumnado de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales de la Universidad de Málaga
(2022-07)El objetivo principal de esta comunicación es describir la experiencia que, desde el curso 2018/2019, venimos desarrollando un grupo de 7 profesores de las Áreas de Matemática Aplicada y de Estadística e Investigación ... -
EDUMATICUS: EDUcación MATemática con TIC en Universidad y Secundaria
(2022-07)El objectivo principal de esta comunicación es presentar la actividad del grupo EDUMATICUS, EDUcación MATemática con TIC en Universidad y Secundaria, cuyo objetivo principal es elaborar materiales multimedia que sirvan ... -
A Non Markovian Retrial Queueing System
(2022-06-13)Researches on retrial queues with non-geometrical retrial times is motivated by real computers and telecommunication networks, where retrial times can hardly be geometrical distributed. The inherent difficulty with ... -
Comparing and Tuning Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
(2022-06-13)The main goals of this work is to study and compare machine learning algorithms to predict the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Four classifi cation algorithms have been considered, studying and comparing the ... -
Teaching Partial Differential Equations With a CAS
(2022-06-13)It is very common that Engineering students nd difficulties when studying advanced Mathematics subjects. To help in the teaching and learning process of such subjects, the teacher can use an adequate mathematical software. ... -
Inner ideals of real Lie algebras
(2022-01-17)If $L$ is a Lie algebra, a subspace $B$ of $L$ is called an \emph{inner ideal} if $[B,[B,L]]\subset B$. This notion is inspired in Jordan algebras and it dues to [1], which used it to reconstruct the geometry defined by ... -
Time Series Clustering with Deep Reservoir Computing
(Springer, 2020)This paper proposes a method for clustering of time series, based upon the ability of deep Reservoir Computing networks to grasp the dynamical structure of the series that is presented as input. A standard clustering ... -
SPDES: A Stepwise Solver for Teaching Partial Differential Equations
(2020-07-24)Partial Differential Equations (PDE) are an important topic within the Engineering Degrees syllabus. In addition, many students find some dificulties in the learning process of this topic. Therefore, the use of didactical ... -
An Approach to Overtaking Station Layout Diagram Design Using Graphs
(2020-07-24)The authors have approached in the past different railway engineering problems (e.g. [1,2]) and have developed software for the Spanish Railway Foundation [3], mainly using computer algebra systems (CAS). Now a CAS is used ...