Listar PMCC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 98
Dual patients with major depression exhibit higher neuroticism-anxiety and impulsitivy than substance use disorder patients without comorbidity
(abstract book, 2017)Educational Objectives: At the conclusion of this presentation, the participants should be able to identify the different personality profile of dual patients with comorbid depression (SUD-MDD) and without comorbidity ... -
Intervención psicológica en emergencias y desastres: la experiencia formativa de la Universidad de Málaga
(2017-01-16)RESUMEN: Las emergencias y desastres generan una situación compleja que repercute de forma grave sobre la vida y los bienes de la persona, conllevando una desproporción entre las necesidades que se generan y os recursos ... -
Overrepresentation of verbal repetition deficits in aphasic men with stroke: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
(2017-02-01)Introduction: The arcuate fasciculus (AF) is a key component for language repetition Neuroimaging evidence indicates a gender-dimorphic architecture of this white matter tract. Strong left lateralization of the direct segment ... -
The impact of early and late literacy on the functional connectivity of vision and
(2017-02-03)Introduction: Learning to read leads to functional and structural changes in the cortical regions related to vision and language. The visual word-form area (VWFA) is though to play a key role in the interaction between these ... -
A reappraisal of echolalia in aphasia: A case-series study with multimodal neuroimaging
(2017-02-03)Introduction: Verbal echoes are commonplace in patients with aphasia, yet information on their cognitive and neural mechanisms remains unexplored (Berthier et al., in press). This study aims to instantiate the concept ... -
Counseling e intervención en crisis: Teoría de Elección y Terapia de la Realidad
(2017-02-08)Tras los primeros auxilios psicológicos, el Counseling puede ser una herramienta para contribuir a restaurar la capacidad de los individuos para afrontar situaciones estresantes. Esta asistencia se enfoca a ayudar a las ... -
The limbic brain under stress: a role for the LPA1 receptor
(UNED, 2017-07)Adverse events can impact brain structure and function and are considered primary sources of risk for depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric disorders. In this sense, the neurobiological circuitry in charge of dealing ... -
LPA1/3 receptor antagonist KI16425 as a novel treatment for the neurobehavioural effects of the ethanol
(2017-07-24)Aims. The lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is an ubiquitous lysophospholipid that acts through G-protein coupled receptors (LPA1-6), and it is involved in the modulation of emotional and motivational behaviors. Recent literature ... -
Isolation and social instigation in animal models of aggression: effects of an mGLU1 receptor antagonist administration
(2017-07-26)Isolate-induced aggression in male mice is a model widely used in psychoparmacology of aggression. Animals are usually isolated for 30 days and subsequently treated and confronted with an anosmic opponent in a neutral area. ... -
Association among salivary alpha-amylase activity and executive functioning in healthy children
(2017-10-18)Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) is employed in basic research as a surrogate and non-invasive marker of the activity of Autonomous Nervous System (ANS) and Adrenomedullar System (AMS). In particular, sAA has showed a statistically ... -
Association among salivary alpha-amylase activity and working memory functioning in healthy children
(2017-10-18)Salivary Alpha-Amylase (sAA) shows a statistically significant association with levels of peripheral noradrenaline under acute psychosocial stress conditions in young and healthy participants. In this study, our aim was ... -
Evaluación formativa del TFG del Grado en Psicología: diseño de rúbricas para la modalidad Proyecto de Emprendimiento
(2017-11-14)En el contexto de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Málaga, un Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) en la modalidad Proyecto de emprendimiento debe plantear una solución a un problema real de una determinada organización, ... -
Environmental enrichment results in both brain connectivity efficiency and selective improvement in different behavioral tasks
(Elsevier, 2018)Exposure to environmental enrichment (EE) has been a useful model for studying the effects of experience on brain plasticity, but to date, few is known about the impact of this condition on the brain functional networks ... -
Beneficial effects of pharmacological treatment in post-stroke dynamic aphasia: a behavioural and neuroimaging study
(2018-02-09)Introduction : Dynamic Aphasia (DA) is a rare form of language disorder characterized by reduced spontaneous speech with preservation of other language functions. Two types of DA have been described: language-specific type ... -
Aphasia with anatomical isolation of the language area: A reanalysis on the light of modern neuroimaging techniques
(2018-02-09)Introduction : Goldstein (1948) and Geschwind (1968), based in data derived from anatomical post-mortem studies, postulated that the disconnection of the perisylvian language areas (PSLA) from other cortical areas was ... -
“Need to know” and the right temporal lobe: Impaired access to semantic knowledge in acquired obsessive-compulsive disorder?
(2018-02-09)Introduction : Idiopathic obsessive-compulsive disorder (I-OCD) has been linked to abnormalities in corticostriatal circuits. Few studies have examined if the same structures are also responsible of acquired OCD (A-OCD) ... -
Correlatos cerebrales y cognitivos de la potenciación farmacológica en un caso de afasia dinámica
(2018-05-15)Introducción. La afasia dinámica (AD) es un tipo raro de alteración del lenguaje caracterizada por una reducción del habla espontánea. La AD tipo lingüístico (AD I) se caracteriza por dificultades en la ... -
Ecolalia mitigada y conducta de aproximación: plasticidad compensatoria en los circuitos cerebrales de lenguaje
(2018-05-15)Introducción. Las descripciones tradicionales de afasia atribuyen las alteraciones lingüísticas a daño de tejido cerebral, principalmente en el hemisferio izquierdo. Esta es una explicación lógica para aquellos síntomas ... -
The importance of early parenting for later child outcomes: A study with Spanish families with children with disabilities
(2018-06-18)Children with different disability conditions have varied developmental trajectories, which perhaps influences parent-child interaction. For these and all infants, an optimal home environment that includes good parenting ... -
Precisión lectora y predictores cognitivos en niños de Educación Primaria de Argel
(2018-06-28)La influencia de variables cognitivas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lectura es un tema de interés en la comunidad educativa. Se ha comprobado que su influencia puede variar según la consistencia ortográfica ...