ListarPB - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por tema "Emociones"
Mostrando ítems 1-12 de 12
De las emociones a la conexión mente-cuerpo: La contribución de Nina Bull
(2014-06-19)Se analiza la importancia dada por esta utora a las Emociones, lo que le convierte en una pionera de la Inteligencia Emocional. -
Does emotional intelligence have the same role in each risk behaviour?
(2022)Introduction One of the most important factors that represents a threating both physical and psychological health in our lives is the individual’s risk behaviour. Though emotions exert a strong influence on risk ... -
Emoción y Cognición. Jornada de constitución de la Red Andaluza de Investigación en Drogodependencias y Adicciones.
(2017)El grupo de investigación Emoción y Cognición de la Universidad de Málaga presenta una amplia experiencia en el estudio de las adicciones, destacando la ejecución de dos proyectos de investigación concedidos por el Ministerio ... -
Emotional inferences by pragmatics
(2017-10-02)It has for long been taken for granted that, along the course of reading a text, world knowledge is often required in order to establish coherent links between sentences (McKoon & Ratcliff 1992, Iza & Ezquerro 2000). The ... -
Emotional regulation and friendship
(2013-09-25)Previous literature has been shown that emotional regulation facilitates the establishment and maintenance of social relations (Dodge Garber, 1991; Saarni, 1999). The objective of the present study was to analyze the ... -
How is Emotional Intelligence related to health risk behaviour? Sensitivity to Reward and Impulsivity as mediating factors
(2022)Introduction Drug initiation, imprudent sexual relations, reckless driving, and alcohol abuse are common health-related risk behaviours in society. The literature has shown how such behaviours are often related to low ... -
Inteligencia Emocional para tiempos de crisis
(2014-11-05)La Inteligencia Emocional se concibe como un conjunto de habilidades, tanto básicas como complejas, dirigidas a “unificar las emociones y el razonamiento”, esto es, usar las emociones para facilitar el razonamiento y los ... -
El Poder del Amor
(2013-10-29)En la presentación se hace una síntesis de los datos empíricos que aporta la Psicología Positiva rspecto a que´variables correlacionan con cómo el bienestar psicológico ("Felicidad") mostrando que todas ellas es´tan ... -
Regulación emocional y empatía en las relaciones de amistad. Diferencias de género en la percepción de calidad de las relaciones sociales
(2014-05-21)REGULACIÓN EMOCIONAL Y EMPATÍA EN LAS RELACIONES DE AMISTAD Facultad de Psicología Jose Luis Zaccagnini Desiree Ruiz Aranda Universidad de Málaga La regulación emocional, estudiadas desde diversas perspectivas ... -
The effects of the quality of social relationships and emotion regulation ability on the happiness of introvert individuals
(2016-09-09)Previous research has shown that extraverts are happier than introverts and, although happy introverts exist, it is unclear under what conditions they can achieve happiness. The aim of the present study is to analyze the ... -
The moderating role of emotion regulation on the relationship between sensitivity to punishment and aggressive behaviour.
(2022)Introduction. The role of sensitivity to punishment on aggression is controversial, both positive and negative relationships have been observed in previous literature. Objective. The aim of this research was to clarify ... -
Why women have a greater intimacy in their friendship relationships?
(2013-09-25)The objective of this study was to analyze gender differences in the quality of interpersonal relationships (Zaccagnini & Martin, 2008) from a Positive Psychology perspective (Berscheid, 2003). In addition, discussed the ...