AGT - Conferencias Científicas
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Superficies de curvatura no positiva en la esfera tridimensional.
(2024)Demostraremos que toda esfera analítica bidimensional $S$ inmersa en $S^3$, con curvaturas principales $k_1,k_2$ cumpliendo que $k_1 k_2\leq 0$ debe ser totalmente umbilical. Esto mejora algunos resultados bien conocidos ... -
Geodesic connectedness of a spacetime with a causal Killing vector field.
(2024)We study the geodesic connectedness of a globally hyperbolic spacetime (M, g) admitting a complete smooth Cauchy hypersurface S and endowed with a complete causal Killing vector field K. The main assumptions are that ... -
Extension problem associated with socle of monomial algebras.
(2024)We show that a monomial algebra Λ over an algebraically closed field K is self-injective if and only if each map soc(ΛΛ) −→ ΛΛ can be extended to an endomorphism of ΛΛ, and provide a complete classification of such ... -
An account on certain annihilating properties in Leavitt path algebras.
(2024)We present that for any graph E and for a commutative unital ring R, the nil ideals of the Leavitt path algebra LR(E) depend solely only the nil ideals of the ring R. A connection between the Jacobson radical of LR(E) and ... -
Quiver representations for Leavitt Path algebras as talented monoid classification detour.
(2024)There is a correspondence between quiver representations and path algebras. In this talk, we will see Leavitt Path algebras as a special case for such representation and how it will take a role in its classifications in ... -
Spectrum of the Laplacian on homogeneous spaces.
(2024)We will start with an introduction and stating general results on the spectral properties of the Laplacian before we investigate the restriction to manifolds which are symmetric. We consider the difference of spectral ... -
Conjugacy of subshifts via the associated algebras.
(2024)In this talk, we present the recently defined unital algebra associated with a one-sided subshift over an arbitrary alphabet. For finite alphabets, the C*-algebraic version of this algebra coincides with the C*-algebra ... -
Entropy of local homeomorphisms with applications to subshifts arising from infinite graphs.
(2024)In this talk, we introduce topological entropy for dynamical systems generated by a single local homeomorphism (Deaconu-Renault systems). More precisely, we propose and compare entropy definitions via covers and via separated ... -
Context-Equivalence of Algebras with Involutions.
(2023)Morita equivalence is the central concept of celebrated Morita theory. Two algebras are Morita equivalent if their categories of modules are equivalent. A Morita context is a useful technical concept that allows one to ... -
Introducción a la fiabilidad algebraica.
(2023)La teoría de fiabilidad se encarga de analizar la disponibilidad y fiabilidad de procesos y sistemas industriales, redes, etc. Existen muchos métodos para el cálculo de fiabilidad de sistemas, es un área en continuo ... -
Avances en la conjetura de Quillen.
(2023)El estudio de los complejos de p-subgrupos comenzó en los años 70 motivado por trabajos de K. Brown y D. Quillen, y guarda conexión con cohomología equivariante "módulo el primo p", teoría de grupos, incluyendo la clasificación ... -
Cálculos en cohomología de grupos finitos.
(2023)Sea p un número primo. En esta charla daremos una introducción a la cohomología de p-grupos finitos sobre el cuerpo de p elementos y descubriremos lo difícil que puede resultar su cálculo. -
The kernel of the Gysin homomorphism for Chow groups of zero cycles.
(2023)Let S be a smooth projective surface over a field k, and let C be a smooth hyperplane section of S. For a closed embedding of S into a projective space P consider the linear system Σ of hyperplane sections and the ... -
Groupoids in analysis and algebra.
(2023)Groupoid algebras are studied in both analytic and algebraic contexts. In analysis, groupoid C*-algebras play a fundamental role in the theory and include many important subclasses. Steinberg algebras are their purely ... -
The lattice of ideals in the Steinberg algebra of a strongly effective groupoid
(2023-07-05)A topological groupoid is generalization of topological group where the binary operation is only partially defined. Ample groupoids are a special class of topological groupoid that have an especially well behaved topology. ... -
Más allá de Sylow.
(2023)Más allá de Sylow, están Hall y Carter con sus correspondientes subgrupos, conocidos por sus nombres respectivos. Y más allá está Gaschütz, quien de forma sorprendente dio una visión conjunta de todos ellos con sus envolturas ... -
Generalized Cohomological Field Theories in the Higher Order Formalism
(2023)In the classical Batalin—Vilkovisky formalism, the BV operator is a differential operator of order two with respect to a commutative product; in the differential graded setting, it is known that if the BV operator is ... -
Las matemáticas de la relatividad general y el teorema del Nobel de física 2020.
(2023)Conferencia divulgativa sobre las Matemáticas subyacentes a la Teoría de Relatividad y al premio Nobel de Física 2020 -
Massey products and higher operations
(2023-01-25)It was long believed that Massey products in the cohomology of a differential graded associative algebra were determined by the higher operations on a minimal A-infinity model. This was disproved by Buijs, Moreno-Fernández, ... -
The Talented monoid of a graph and its connections with the Leavitt path algebra
(2022)In this talk, we introduce an algebraic entity arising from a directed graph - the talented monoid. The talented monoid has an interesting relationship with the Leavitt path algebra. In fact, the group completion of the ...