Listar AGT - Conferencias Científicas por título
Mostrando ítems 40-59 de 74
KV. Cohomology and some applications
(2020-02-24)Two versions of the KV-cohomology are presented and some algebraic and geometrical applications are given. We will see some applications to stochastic manifold. As a consequence, we can apply these ideas in Lorentzian ... -
L-InfinityAlgebras, Cohomology and M-Theory
(2017-05-12)In this introduction for topologists, we explain the role that extensions of L-infinity algebras by taking homotopy fibers plays in physics. This first appeared with the work of physicists D'Auria and Fre in 1982, ... -
Leavitt path algebras and the IBN property
(2016-12-21)A ring has invariant basis number property (IBN) if any two bases of a finitely generated free module have the same number of elements. In 1960's Leavitt constructed examples of rings R without IBN, more precisely for any ... -
Leavitt Path algebras via partial skew ring theory
(2018-04-17)We will introduce the theory or partial actions of groups and their associated algebras. As an example we will realize the Leavitt path algebra associated with a graph as a partial skew group ring. To finish, we will ... -
Más allá de Sylow.
(2023)Más allá de Sylow, están Hall y Carter con sus correspondientes subgrupos, conocidos por sus nombres respectivos. Y más allá está Gaschütz, quien de forma sorprendente dio una visión conjunta de todos ellos con sus envolturas ... -
Massey products and higher operations
(2023-01-25)It was long believed that Massey products in the cohomology of a differential graded associative algebra were determined by the higher operations on a minimal A-infinity model. This was disproved by Buijs, Moreno-Fernández, ... -
Las matemáticas de la relatividad general y el teorema del Nobel de física 2020.
(2023)Conferencia divulgativa sobre las Matemáticas subyacentes a la Teoría de Relatividad y al premio Nobel de Física 2020 -
Maximal surfaces and graphs in a Lorentzian product -RxM
(2015-02-26)We will present several results for maximal surfaces in a Lorentzian product manifold -R×M. The main purpose is to characterize the slices as complete maximal surfaces satisfying a comparison between the growth of lenght ... -
Modelos no asociativos en genética de poblaciones
(2017-05-04)El objetivo de esta charla es, en primer lugar, dar una visi on general de algunos de los modelos no asociativos m as com unmente utilizados en gen etica de poblaciones para, a continuaci on, describir las llamadas co ... -
Módulos graduados e invariantes de Brauer
(2014-12-10)Dado un módulo irreducible de dimensión finita para un álgebra de Lie semisimple graduada sobre un cuerpo algebraicamente cerrado de característica cero, se estudiarán las obstrucciones que existen para la existencia de ... -
On intersections of ideals of Leavitt path algebras
(2017-04-04)During the 2015 CIMPA Research School in Turkey on “Leavitt path algebras and graph C*-algebras”, Astrid an Huef raised the question whether the statement: For a given graph E, every (closed) ideal I of C*(E) is ... -
Ondas Gravitacionales: el amanecer de una nueva era
(2016-09-13)Después de una larga espera de decenas de años estamos de enhorabuena: el 14 de Septiembre de 2015 una colaboración científica internacional (LIGO/VIRGO) logró detectar, en sus interferómetros más avanzados en funcionamiento, ... -
Ordenes Locales en Álgebras de Jordan
(2017-02-16)La noción de orden local procede de los trabajos de Fountain y Gould en el caso de álgebras asociativas, y ha sido adaptada a álgebras y otros sistemas de Jordan por varios autores. En esta charla, la fuente original ... -
Películas de jabón y matemáticas
(2019-05-13)Las superficies mínimas aparecen de forma recurrente en la naturaleza y tienen múltiples aplicaciones a distintas ciencias. En matemáticas, son objetos muy estudiados desde diferentes puntos de vista, destacando entre ... -
Perspectiva. Espacios construidos y espacios representados.
(2015-04-24)La conferencia presentará los fundamentos científicos de la perspectiva, conocida tradicionalmente como “la ciencia del arte”, con la mención de los que han sido considerados sus principales referentes en el contexto ... -
Primitive graph algebras
(2014-06-18)Let $E = (E^0, E^1, s,r)$ be an arbitrary directed graph (i.e., no restriction is placed on the cardinality of $E^0$, or of $E^1$, or of $s^{-1}(v)$ for $v\in E^0$). Let $L_K(E)$ denote the Leavitt path algebra of ... -
Quiver representations for Leavitt Path algebras as talented monoid classification detour.
(2024)There is a correspondence between quiver representations and path algebras. In this talk, we will see Leavitt Path algebras as a special case for such representation and how it will take a role in its classifications in ... -
Recent results on (p,q)-Laplacian type equations
(2017-05-09)Start ing from a new sum decomposit ion of W1,p(RN ) ∩W1,q(RN ) and using a variat ional approach, we invest igate the existence of mult ipleweak solut ions of a (p, q)–Laplacian equat ion on RN , for 1 < q < p < N , ... -
Reconstruction of graded groupoids from graded Steinberg algebras
(2016-05-19)We show how to reconstruct a graded ample Hausdorff groupoid with topologically principal neutrally-graded component from the ring structure of its graded Steinberg algebra over any commutative integral domain with 1, ... -
Rigid singularity theorems in Lorentzian Geometry
(2014-10-02)The importance of the singularity theorems in Lorentzian Geometry, which give su cient conditions on a spacetime entailing the incompleteness of its null or timelike geodesics, is well known. But equally important is to ...