Listar IC - Conferencias Científicas por título
Mostrando ítems 2-21 de 59
A Trip Around Architecture
(2015-04-17)Architecture is a word that often appears during work in research projects. The meaning of word architecture more than often becomes ambiguous, especially when projects deal distributed environment or large amount of data ... -
Amplificadores de potencia de alta eficiencia
(2015-01-12)The fast growth in modern wireless communication systems has set in motion a never-ending quest for greater capacity and higher data rates in radio access networks. These demands must be met within the existing radio base ... -
Arduino: hardware libre desde la educación a IoT
(2018-05-25)David Cuartielles, Ingeniero de Telecomunicación co-fundador de Arduino, presentará una perspectiva de la evolución de la plataforma de hardware libre Arduino. Desde sus comienzos ha sido una plataforma ligada a la ... -
Automotive radar – A signalprocessing perspective oncurrent technology andfuture systems
(2018-05-18)Radar systems are a key technology of modern vehicle safety & comfort systems. Without doubt it will only be the symbiosis of Radar, Lidar and camera-based sensor systems which can enable advanced autonomous driving functions ... -
Biometric Passport from a Security Perspective
(2017-05-15)Biometric passports, also known as ePassports, benefit from cryptographic mechanisms to guarantee their unforgeability. Since the first release of the ePassport standard, in 2004, the security of the biometric passports ... -
Bringing Optical Communications to the General Public: an Innovative Bachelor Thesis
(2015-11-18)The United Nations “International year of light 2015” strives to highlight the importance of optical technologies in our everyday lives. Fibre optic communication is one such technology: the growth of internet and its ... -
Cifrado de comunicaciones de alta velocidad
(2016-12-01)La Dra. Fúster, científica titular del CSIC, experta en Criptografía de clave secreta, presentará los procedimientos de cifrado en flujo que permiten el diseño, evaluación y posterior criptoanálisis, de generadores de ... -
Colorless devices and reception techniques for polarization multiplexed communications
(2015-06-29)Future optical networks call for flexible, high performance and low cost coherent optical receivers. We present here several advances towards such receivers, including integrated optical couplers with ultra-broad bandwidth, as ... -
Current Challenges (and Solutions) in Satellite Navigation
(2017-01-11)En esta conferencia se presentan las principales líneas de investigación de la Agencia Espacial Alemana (DLR) relativas a "Satellite Navigation". -
Detección de degradaciones en redes móviles basado en máquina de estados y umbrales de Otsu
(2022-09)Troubleshooting degradations in a mobile network is mainly a manual activity. Self-Healing (SH) appeared to automate such functions, using techniques such as Data Analytics with network performance indicators. Along this ... -
Diseño analítico de filtros multibanda con líneas de transmisión multiconductoras y stubs en abierto
(2019-09-12)A new topology for implementing multiband bandpass filters is presented in this paper. Two identical shortcircuited multiconductor transmission lines (MTL) and several shunt open stubs are interconnected to achieve the ... -
Diseño de un sistema de gestión de los carritos portaequipajes en un aeropuerto
(2022)Collecting luggage trolleys at an airport poses aproblematic that is usually done in a very inefficient way dueto the lack of information about the position and state of thetrolleys. In this ... -
Ensuring Reproducibility in Computational Processes: Automating Data Identification/Citation and Process Documentation
(2016-12-19)Reproducibility of experiments is a key foundation in the empirical sciences. Yet, both the perceived complexity as well as proposed solutions sometimes fail to grasp the full extent of the problem. At the same time, ... -
Estimating Reliability of Telecommunication and Electronic Devices
(2015-12-17)This talk mainly focused on understanding of reliability parameters such as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR). These parameters are further explored for estimation of reliability with special ... -
Evaluación de la latencia de NB-IoT con medidas reales
(2022-09)In the 3GPP LTE Release 13, NB-IoT was standardized to provide wide-area connectivity for IoT. To optimize network signaling and power consumption, control plane (CP) optimization was introduced. In Release 15, to support ... -
Faster-than-Nyquist transmission for wireless and optical fibre communication
(2018-05-14)Faster-than-Nyquist transmission (FTN) is a well-known paradigm for digital communication which has received renewed attention in the wake of the need for increasing spectral efficiency in wireless and optical fibre ... -
Filter design for room auralization
(2015-06-10)Simulations with geometrical acoustics are today well-established tools for acousticians, being widely used for evaluation of sound quality in rooms or urban spaces, mainly due to the development of propagation methods and ... -
From seismography to compressed sensing and back: a brief history of optimization-based signal processing
(2017-03-17)In this talk we provide an overview of the history of l1-norm minimization applied to underdetermined inverse problems. In the 70s and 80s geophysicists proposed using l1-norm minimization for deconvolution from bandpass ... -
Galileo and new opportunities in Satellite Navigation
(2019-03-15)Los sistemas de posicionamiento y navegación asistidos por satélites constituyen uno de los campos en constante crecimiento, tanto en oportunidades laborales como en nuevas líneas de investigación, en la Ingeniería de ... -
Gestión de proyectos de telecomunicación en el ayuntamiento de Málaga
(2018-10-30)En esta charla, se abordan detalles sobre diferentes proyectos en los que el Centro Municipal de Informática (CEMI) ha estado involucrado para proporcionar servicios e infraestructura de telecomunicaciones a las diferentes ...