Listar IC - Conferencias Científicas por centro "E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 25
A Trip Around Architecture
(2015-04-17)Architecture is a word that often appears during work in research projects. The meaning of word architecture more than often becomes ambiguous, especially when projects deal distributed environment or large amount of data ... -
Amplificadores de potencia de alta eficiencia
(2015-01-12)The fast growth in modern wireless communication systems has set in motion a never-ending quest for greater capacity and higher data rates in radio access networks. These demands must be met within the existing radio base ... -
Bringing Optical Communications to the General Public: an Innovative Bachelor Thesis
(2015-11-18)The United Nations “International year of light 2015” strives to highlight the importance of optical technologies in our everyday lives. Fibre optic communication is one such technology: the growth of internet and its ... -
Cifrado de comunicaciones de alta velocidad
(2016-12-01)La Dra. Fúster, científica titular del CSIC, experta en Criptografía de clave secreta, presentará los procedimientos de cifrado en flujo que permiten el diseño, evaluación y posterior criptoanálisis, de generadores de ... -
Colorless devices and reception techniques for polarization multiplexed communications
(2015-06-29)Future optical networks call for flexible, high performance and low cost coherent optical receivers. We present here several advances towards such receivers, including integrated optical couplers with ultra-broad bandwidth, as ... -
Current Challenges (and Solutions) in Satellite Navigation
(2017-01-11)En esta conferencia se presentan las principales líneas de investigación de la Agencia Espacial Alemana (DLR) relativas a "Satellite Navigation". -
Ensuring Reproducibility in Computational Processes: Automating Data Identification/Citation and Process Documentation
(2016-12-19)Reproducibility of experiments is a key foundation in the empirical sciences. Yet, both the perceived complexity as well as proposed solutions sometimes fail to grasp the full extent of the problem. At the same time, ... -
Estimating Reliability of Telecommunication and Electronic Devices
(2015-12-17)This talk mainly focused on understanding of reliability parameters such as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR). These parameters are further explored for estimation of reliability with special ... -
Filter design for room auralization
(2015-06-10)Simulations with geometrical acoustics are today well-established tools for acousticians, being widely used for evaluation of sound quality in rooms or urban spaces, mainly due to the development of propagation methods and ... -
La investigación y la exploración submarina
(2015-12-01)Existe una creciente necesidad por conocer en detalle la naturaleza del fondo marino y la dinámica de la vida submarina (hábitats). La Oceanografía consume una gran cantidad de recursos económicos que podrían reducirse si ... -
Loudspeaker Crossover Design (from analog to digital)
(2016-04-01)Loudspeaker systems are quite complex devices and considered ‘musical instruments’ for many HiFi-enthusiasts. However, from the technical point of view the description of an optimal loudspeaker seems to be simple: the ... -
Mapas de Ruido
(2015-04-20)Se explicarán cuáles son los instrumentos de evaluación y gestión de la contaminación acústica que establece actualmente la legislación y su orden de aplicación. Posteriormente la clase se centrará en la elaboración de los ... -
Medidas acústicas avanzadas en recintos
(2014-03-11)En la conferencia se presentarán los parámetros y técnicas más utilizadas para una caracterización acústica de aquellos recintos que muestran un comportamiento acústico especialmente complejo, donde no son útiles los ... -
Methods of Prediction of Infantile Hemangioma Evolution
(2016-11-28)Cutaneous hemangioma is the most frequent benign tumor for children. This blood anomaly has a frequency of 10% for children and is more common for females than males. Infantile hemangioma appears soon after birth and, in ... -
Multivariate data analysis in engineering applications
(2015-01-12)The information age has resulted in masses of data in every field. Techniques to analyse this data are therefore becoming more and more important in all branches of engineering as well. Multivariate data analysis refers ... -
Nuevas tendencias en el sector aeroespacial: Space Situational Awareness
(2016-06-30)La conferencia "Nuevas tendencias en el sector aeroespacial: Space Situational Awareness", impartida por el experto José María Hermoso Garnica (INDRA Espacio, ex-ESA, ...) se centra en el nuevo escenario que surge en los ... -
Optimal design of Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) for power system operation in smart cities
(2013-11-27)The concept of smart cities involves specifically modified infrastructure for its physical, economic and social systems which is mandatory to provide improved facilities to citizens at various levels. The major infrastructure ... -
Pakistan National Student Satellite Program (PNSSP)
(2013-11-28)Micro-satellite development at University environment provides hands-on experience of building a satellite from design through launch and orbit operations for students in a cost effective way. ... -
Simulación de redes móviles ad hoc mediante ns-3
(2014-02-25)Introducción a la herramienta de simulación de redes network simulator 3 (ns-3). Este simulador es una de los programas más utilizados en la actualidad para la simulación de redes de diversos tipos, desde las redes ad hoc ...