Listar LCC - Conferencias Científicas por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 60
A Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Approach to the Evolution of Aesthetic Maps for a RTS Game
(2014-04-22)Procedural content generation (PCG) is a research eld on the rise,with numerous papers devoted to this topic. This paper presents a PCG method based on a self-adaptive evolution strategy for the automatic generation of ... -
Formal Model-Based Approaches for the Development of Composite
(2014-04-29)Software engineering (SE) is concerned about techniques and tools to develop software pieces. Structuring and composition techniques have always been a cornerstone in software engineering, from modules in the 70’s to the ... -
On the Verification of Asynchronously Communicating Systems
(2014-04-29)Recent software is mostly constructed by reusing and composing existing components abstracted as finite state machines. Asynchronous communication is a classic interaction mechanism used for such software systems. However, ... -
Non-Functional Properties in Service Selection
(2014-04-29)Service selection is an important step of the service composition process. Multiple services functionally equivalent might be offered by different providers but characterized by different non functional properties such as ... -
Selected Recent Work in Self-awareness and Self-expression in Computing
(2014-04-29)This talk presents some of our recent work in the EU-funded EPiCS project. The first part of the talk will review very briefly what self-awareness means in some psychology and cognitive science literature. Then working ... -
Agent-Based Aplications for the Smart Grid--A Playground for Agreement Tecnologies
(2014-04-29)Agreement Technologies (AT) refer to computer systems in which autonomous software agents negotiate with one another, typically on behalf of humans, in order to come to mutually acceptable agreements. The talk first ... -
Juégame un cuento
(2014-10-24)Como diseñadores, programadores, artistas o (incluso) guionistas, ¿qué debemos hacer para evitar que el guion de un videojuego se convierta en una pesadilla? ¿El mejor guionista es el que mejor escribe? ¿Cuánto cuesta ... -
La música en los videojuegos.
(2014-11-17)Desde la experiencia del ponente, se expondrá contenido teórico acompañado de ejemplos prácticos con el fin de valorar e introducir al asistente/alumnado en el apartado sonoro aplicado al videojuego. -
Docking Inter/Intra-Molecular Mediante Metaheurísticas Multi-objetivo
(2015-02-11)El Acoplamiento Molecular (Molecular Docking) es un problema de optimización de gran complejidad que consiste en predecir la orientación de dos moléculas: el ligando y el receptor, de manera que formen un complejo molecular ... -
Reliable deployment, reconfiguration, and control of cloud applications
(2015-02-18)Cloud applications consist of a set of interconnected software components distributed over several virtual machines. Setting up, (re)configuring, and monitoring these applications are difficult tasks, and involve complex ... -
Generic proof scores for the generate & check method in CafeOBJ
(2015-03-11)Generic proof scores for the generate & check method in CafeOBJ are presented. The generic proof scores codify the generate & check method as parameterized modules in the CafeOBJ language independently of specific systems ... -
Redesigning the jMetal Multi-Objective Optimization Framework
(2015-07-23)jMetal, an open source, Java-based framework for multi-objective optimization with metaheuristics, has become a valuable tool for many researches in the area as well as for some industrial partners in the last ten years. ... -
Parallel Hybrid Trajectory Based Metaheuristics for Real-World Problems
(2015-09-10)This paper proposes a novel algorithm combining path relinking with a set of cooperating trajectory based parallel algorithms to yield a new metaheuristic of enhanced search features. Algorithms based on the exploration ... -
SafeWalks: aplicación móvil de supervisión de pacientes de Alzheimer
(2015-09-23)El principal objetivo de Internet of Things (IoT) es integrar las tecnologías informáticas en el quehacer cotidiano de las personas, facilitando su interacción con un entorno de dispositivos interconectados, pero el estado ... -
Introducción a la doble narrativa videolúdica
(2015-10-20)Los medios narrativos interactivos, entre ellos los jugables, se distinguen de los tradicionales por las relaciones que se dan entre las dos narrativas que los conforman. Para establecer y tutorar dichas relaciones nace ... -
Un Framework para Big Data Optimization Basado en jMetal y Spark
(2016)Las metaheurísticas multi-objetivo se han convertido en técnicas muy utilizadas para la resolución de problemas complejos de optimización compuestos de varias funciones objetivo en conflicto entre sí. Nos encontramos en ... -
Efficient Hill Climber for Multi-Objective Pseudo-Boolean Optimization
(2016-04-06)Local search algorithms and iterated local search algorithms are a basic technique. Local search can be a stand-alone search method, but it can also be hybridized with evolutionary algorithms. Recently, it has been shown ... -
Search-Based Model Transformations
(2016-04-18)Huge efforts have been invested in the last decade concerning the establishment of dedicated analysis methods and techniques for model transformations. The analysis of general properties such as termination and confluence ... -
Computación Cognitiva
(2016-05-18)La ciencia de la computación arrancó con la era de las máquinas tabulables para después pasar a las programables. Sin embargo el mundo actual vive una transformación radical de la información. Por un lado la avalancha ... -
Buscando inspiración musical en el universo computacional
(2016-05-24)Throughout the history of western music, composers have relied on “outside-of-time” structures which have served as musical “prime matter” until the moment of their temporal inscription. These structures have traditionally ...