El obispo de Málaga, Fray Alonso de Santo Tomás, sin pretenderlo, se vio inmerso en el
centro de la turbulenta controversia provocada por el jansenismo en el siglo XVII, con motivo
de la aparición del infamatorio libro Teatro Jesuítico, falsamente atribuido a él. Su respuesta,
en extremo dura, negando tal acusación, quedó reflejada en la Catholica Querimonia, donde
ataca indiscriminadamente a calvinistas y jansenistas. No tardó el gran Arnauld, doctor de la
Sorbona, en refutar dicha “Católica Queja” con severidad a través de la publicación de una
carta, varias veces impresa.
Brother Alonso de Santo Tomas, Malaga’s bishop, was plunged into the turbulent
controversy caused in the 17th C. by the Jansenism due to the publication of the defamatory
book “Teatro Jesuítico, which was falsely attributed to him. His extremely severe reply deniing
the accusation has remained in the work “Catholica Querimonia”, where he attacks Calvinists
and Jansenists indiscriminately. The great Arnauld, doctor of the Sorbonne, didn’t take long to
refute harshly that complaint through the publication of a long letter, which would be printed
on several occassions.