Teaching the Digital Reader: Exploring the relationship between journalistic writing and reading in the Digital Age. How is the Internet changing how we consume information and what does it mean for reading and comprehension skills of the future. What role can journalism play
1) Beyond the ability to read the printed word; children, youth, and adults need the ability to critically interpret the images of a multimedia culture. What is news literacy?
2)How does the audience read on the Web? Non-linear news consumption on the Web.
3)How can basic journalistic skills help improve student comprehension and critical thinking?
4)How can teachers use the newspaper or news Web site to develop student reading, writing and idea development?
5)Outcome and Assessment strategies
In the sections above, we can talk about teaching idea development, research, reporting and writing for the reader. We can also talk about the latest education coverage in the U.S. which is now stressing something called the "common core curriculum"- which is more teaching to the test.