Belite-rich cements hold promise for reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions, but their use is hindered
by the slow hydration rates of ordinary belites. This drawback may be overcome by activation of belite
by doping. Here, the doping mechanism of B and Na/B in belites is reported. For B-doping, three solid solutions
have been tested: Ca2-x/2□x/2(SiO4)1-x(BO3)x, Ca2(SiO4)1-x(BO3)xOx/2 and Ca2-xBx(SiO4)1-x(BO4)x. The
experimental results support the substitution of silicate groups by tetrahedral borate groups with the concomitant
substitution of calcium by boron for charge compensation, Ca2-xBx(SiO4)1-x(BO4)x. Otherwise, the
coupled Na/B-doping of belite has also been investigated and Ca2-xNax(SiO4)1-x(BO3)x series is confirmed
to exist for a large range of x values. Along this series, α'H-C2S is the main phase (for x≥0.10) and is single
phase for x=0.25. Finally, a new structural description for borax doping in belite has been developed for
α'H-Ca1.85Na0.15(SiO4)0.85(BO3)0.15, which fits better borax activated belite cements in Rietveld mineralogical