Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy student's motivation. A Comparative study in the University of Malaga, Spain
2014-10-20 -
Palabras clave
Fisioterapia - Estudio y enseñanza; Motivación (Psicología) -
Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to know and compare motivational facts and vocational behaviour among students of physical therapy and occupational therapy. Other secondary objectives are: • To know the satisfaction these students report with their university studies • To analyze the level of academic decision about their professional future. • To know if these students have an effective academic behavior. Participants. Participants were 141 Spanish collegue students who volunteered for the study. They were students of second and third year of Physical therapy (69) and Occupational therapy (72) in the University of Malaga. Methods: Cross-sectional design. Paticipants completed in one setting the “Cuestionario de Biodatos Universitarios - CBU- The CBU is a 9 item scale that offers information about student academic motivation, academic decisions, satisfaction or future professional purpose. Each questionnaire response is assigned a value with a maximum possible total score of 26. Results: Regarding student satisfaction, 68.1% of physical therapy (PT) student are very satisfied with the career choices they made in thei day, like the 56.95% of students in occupational therapy (OT). Regarding the degree of academic decision on the professional expertise they would like to pursue in the future, 44,9% doe not have anything decided in PT, similar to the 36,1% found in OT. After completing his studies, 48,62% of OT students planning to do a Master or postgraduate course compared with the 81.1% referring this intention in PT. In relation to the exercise of the profession immediately obtained similar results in both degrees, 56.95% in OT and 66.2% in PT. Only 6.95% of repondents in OT and 14.49% in PT have not decided yet. Among the difficulties or problems for a decision by a specialty or area of works, 57.9% highlights the lack of information on the characteristics of that product in PT and 31.95% at OT, whereas only 2.9% and 5.56% refer to that no option would fully satisfied respectively. Comprehensively analyzed, and pre-vocational behaviour of respondents was fully efficient, so that in all cases there is an effective career development, slightly better in pupils PT. Conclusions: The descriptive analysis of a sample CBU draws us highly satisfied with their university studies, with an efficient vocational behaviour, who knows the need for specialization through graduate school, but lacks sufficient information in making their decisions. -
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