Introduction: Oligodendrocytes (OL) role in demyelinating pathologies such as multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases is only recently being subject of extensive research. While the genetic and molecular aspects have been thoroughly studied, their metabolism was overshadowed. In order to develop new therapies to promote remyelination of already damaged axons, we need to accurately describe how OL metabolism affects axon myelination and trophic support (1). The objective of this study is to obtain cytological evidence of the extent of both glycolytic metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation by immunocytochemistry throughout the development of OL.
Methods: Oligodendroglia cells from post-natal mice cortices were obtained and cultured. A wide assortment of differentiation-stage-specific cell surface antigens, a glycolytic and an oxidative phosphorylation marker were combined in several immunofluorescences to study both metabolic pathways in each step of differentiation.
Results: After analysing them under confocal microscopy and imaging software, we observed a constant upregulation of glycolytic metabolism throughout differentiation, while oxidative phosphorylation seemed to increase with differentiation to then decrease when oligodendrocytes achieved their final maturation stage.
Conclusions: Therefore, oxidative phosphorylation may be crucial in the differentiation of precursors and glycolysis would thus be the preferred metabolic pathway for fully matured OL.
[1] Rosko L. et al. Neuroscientist. 2019;25(4):334–43.