Listar Economía Aplicada (Estructura Económica) - (EAEE) por centro "Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 60
A decision model for stochastic optimization of seasonal irrigation-water allocation
(Elsevier, 2022-01)Optimal water allocation on a seasonal basis is generally a decision taken with uncertainty regarding seasonal crop needs (unknown yield, precipitation and other environmental factors). Decision criteria, such as “irrigating ... -
A Fuzzy Clustering Approach to the Key Sectors of the Spanish Economy.
(Economic System Research, 2006)La búsqueda de los sectores clave de una economía ha sido y es uno de los temas más recurrentes del análisis input-output. Además de su liderazgo para impulsar el desarrollo, concepto demasiado amplio e impreciso, un sector ... -
A sectorial analysis of the gender wage gap along the wage distribution in Spain
(2022-11-17)This paper contributes to the study of the gender wage gap in the Spanish service sector along the wage distribution. This analysis of the gender wage gap is carried out in three stages. The first is based on a specific ... -
An analysis of regional economic vulnerability through the lens of tourism dependence: The case of Spain.
(2023)The main aim of this piece of work is to provide evidence of the existence of regions in Spain in which the excessive dependence on tourism is conditioning their long-term economic development possibilities, placing their ... -
An analysis of the impact of implementing Revenue Management Systems on hotel operational performance
(2013-09-24)The aim of this paper was to analyse the degree to which hotels whose managers employ a Revenue Management System (RMS) as a strategy to increase demand outperform other non-RMS-user establishments. This analysis was based ... -
An empirical analysis of the efficiency in reducing child mortality (Millennium Development Goal 4)
(2015-09-25)The main aim of this article is to analyse, at the macro-level, why some countries are more efficient in converting inputs (physicians density and relative total health expenditure) into both a specific health-output ... -
An index of the economic dependence on tourism.
(Sage, 2024-06-18)This study proposes a methodology to construct a Tourism Economic Dependence Index for a sample of 144 countries spanning the period 1995–2019. This index aims to serve as a summary measure of countries’ dependence on ... -
CEO gender and SMEs innovativeness: Evidence for Spanish businesses
(Springer, 2023)This paper analyses the role of gender of the chief executive officer (CEO) on the propensity to introduce innovations using a sample of 1405 Spanish small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We examine whether there are ... -
¿Cómo impulsa el turismo la economía local? Algunas experiencias y herramientas de análisis
(2017-05-22)Se trata en primer lugar el papel del turismo como motor de desarrollo, el vínculo entre el turismo y el PIB, así como el papel de la demanda y del gasto agregado. En la segunda parte se exponen las herramientas y experiencias ... -
Crecimiento económico y política de transferencias a partir de una matriz de contabilidad social de Andalucía
(Asociación Internacional de Economía Aplicada (ASEPELT), 2002)En este artículo describimos la metodología utilizada para construir un modelo lineal de demanda para analizar la distribución de la renta, haciendo uso de una matriz de contabilidad social regional donde las familias están ... -
Cross-sectional and spatial panel data analysis of territorial economic cohesion in the European Union regions based on convergence approach: From 2 to 8 per cent?
(2024-07-06)From an economic, political and social standpoint, one of the most evident and visible features of today’s European Union as a supranational regional organization is its heterogeneity, where disparity seems to be the common ... -
Decomposing the Gender Wage Gap in Europe: Evidence from the Tourism Sector
(2023)Unfavourable labour conditions in the tourism sector and the gender wage gap have been found to be significant in studies carried out for different countries, demonstrating that this is an international phenomenon. However, ... -
Decomposing the gender wage-gap in the hospitality industry: a quantile approach
(Congreso ASEPELT-2021, 2021)This paper discusses the factors that determine the wage differences between men and women in the Spanish hospitality industry across the wage distribution. In general, previous studies have analysed the gender wage gap ... -
Do Illicit Financial Flows Hurt Basic Healthcare Provision? The Case of Infant Vaccination Coverage in Low-and Middle-Income Countries
(2017-06-12)Since 1980, developing countries have lost US$16.3 trillion dollars through broad leakages in the balance of payments, trade misinvoicing, and unrecorded financial transfers. Moreover, according to the Global Financial ... -
Does destination choice affect environmental attitudes of european tourists?
(2017-06-09)Different studies have shown that environmental activists at home display an attitude-behaviour gap when they go on holiday. Attribution theory investigates why people who are actively involved in protecting the environment ... -
Effects of educational mismatch on wages across industry and occupations: sectoral comparison
(Emerald, 2023-11-01)Purpose This study conducts a comparative analysis of the impact of educational mismatch on Spanish wages. This paper aims to focus on the industrial, construction and service sectors at three levels of disaggregation: ... -
Effects of the Irrigation Modernization in Spain 2002–2015
(Springer Nature, 2019)Regions and basins suffering from water scarcity have promoted the modernization of irrigation systems, defined as irrigation efficiency enhancement as a measure for the adaptation to a growing demand and a limited supply ... -
El proceso de internacionalización de la mayor cadena hotelera portuguesa, el grupo Pestana
(2018-05-07)El Grupo Pestana, de ser una empresa local o regional, ha pasado a ser actualmente el mayor grupo portugués en el sector turístico, con sus dos marcas de hoteles: Pestana Hotels & Resorts y Pousadas de Portugal. Actualmente ... -
El uso de dispositivos para la interpretación de los bienes culturales en Andalucía
(2018-03-22)En la sociedad contemporánea, la madurez de las TIC´s ha revolucionado el turismo, con una especial incidencia en el turismo cultural. La aparición de nuevas herramientas para la interpretación del patrimonio cultural ha ... -
Environmental attitudes of European tourists: A multilevel analysis
(2015-06-29)Literature shows that heterogeneity in willingness to pay for traveling is explained by regional clusters because not all the tourists are equally sensitive to income and price adjustments. This paper demonstrated that ...